St Michael

For various reasons, Michaelmas Term is a good name for the first term in the school year.

Within this term we celebrate the Feasts of Archangels and Guardian Angels, and of the Angels bringing ‘tidings of great joy’ towards the end of Advent.

The Archangel Michael, drawing his sword to overcome evil, reminds of  the courage of the Martyrs who defend their faith with great courage, and then of the courage we will need to confront all that besets us, including the prospect of death, whether our own or those who have sacrificed their lives for values which we hold dear. 

In this term we consider and pray for the virtues of Faith and Prudence, draw inspiration from our school patron St Philip Neri, and St Francis, and last but far from least, we reflect upon Our Lady, her Immaculate Conception and the value of praying the Rosary. 

For each week, there are PDFs of the weekly scripts, and  accompanying PowerPoints for projection in class.